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Home > Treatment > Brachytherapy (Spanish Version)
Gold Markers
Hospital Scene

Application Overview

With such a broad range of products it is natural that Best Medical can offer your clinic something for each of your applications.  From the physicist interested in calibrating equipment to the radiation oncologist who needs LDR brachytherapy seeds, we can meet your needs.  Please visit each specific application to learn what products we have for you.

Radioterapia / Braquiterapia

Los productos principales que lanzaron a nuestra compra, Best Medical International, a nivel internacional son la Terapia de Haz Externa y los productos para la Braquiterapia.  Mientras la incidencia de cancer crece, su clinica necesitara un socio que pueda suplir los requisitos de una clinica.  Best Medical International es ese socio.

Para Servicio en Espanol, llame a nuestra oficina central, ubicada en Springfield, Virginia, EE.UU.:
(703) 451-2378 Ext. 131

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